Have you ever stood next to a real cannon when it's being fired? Well if not, here's your chance to experience something that will take your breath away. Yes there will be cannons firing upon the lake to keep those pirate at bay.
According to Wikipedia, the cannon first appeared in China sometime during the 12th and 13th century. It was most likely developed in parallel or as as evolution of an earlier gunpowder weapon called the fire lance.
At the festival, the Buccaneers of Lake Charles will be having a live fire cannon demonstration. It all begins around 2pm on Friday April 29 and will be hosted through out the festival event, The Buccaneers will also be demonstrating the use of their black powder pistols and I bet if you ask one of those pirates you could probably hold one in your very own hands.
To learn more about all different types of weapons that were used by pirates.......click here.